The Kaldas Center

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6 Fertility Myths Debunked

Myths surrounding fertility have fascinated humans since the beginning of the human race. However, with scientific methods and research, many fertility myths have been debunked. Have you heard these 6 fertility myths and wondered if they’re true?  Well, now you can know for sure!

Myth #1: If a woman has regular periods, then she is fertile.

False! Just because a woman has regular periods does not mean she is fertile. A woman is fertile if she has regular ovulation and releases healthy eggs.

Myth #2: Infertility is a woman’s issue.

False! Infertility is 40% women, 40% men, and 20% both or unexplained. It’s important to remember infertility is no one’s fault. If a couple is experiencing infertility, they should work together to find a solution.

Myth #3: If a woman has had a baby, then she is fertile and can just as easily have another baby.

False! Just because a woman had a baby doesn’t mean she won’t experience infertility. Experiencing infertility when trying to conceive a second child is called second infertility and can be just as frustrating.

Myth #4: Men should wear boxers, not briefs, while trying to conceive.

True! Men should wear boxers instead of briefs because healthy sperm production is affected by heat. When a man wears a looser undergarment, his boys can breathe (and make healthy sperm) comfortably.

Myth #5: It’s okay to wait until your 30s or 40s to start having children.

Mostly True: Many women wait to start having children until later in life. However, women are the most fertile between the ages of 18 and 27. After that, the number of healthy eggs a woman has begins to decline. By age 40, only 1 in 10 women will get pregnant each cycle.

Myth #6: If couples would just relax then they would get pregnant.

False! After a few months of trying to become pregnant without success, many couples become stressed and anxious. While relaxing and learning to cope with the stress will help a person’s overall health, it’s not the magic answer to becoming pregnant.

For more fertility information, or to learn about solutions to infertility, contact us today.